Wednesday, November 18, 2009

what happened on 17 nov 2009?

Birthday boy was crying... he was touched with the surprised party....

cutting the cake!!

cuap cuap


Happy Birthday to u..
Happy Birthday to u..
Happy Birthday to DIN..
Happy birthday to u......!!

wah! dah tua dah miak ya.. 19 tahun dah.. hehe.. seb bet laa plan nok dirancang ya berjalan lancar.. pi lelah jwak laa..
tym nak kuar ngan nya ya... fuh!! punya tensen.. mala jak ku kenak anok..
cdeh nar jwak.. huhu!~
pi xpa laa.. bday nya bha nak...

thanx to all my frens.. (^^,)
happy to have all of you in my life...

and to my din.. happy belated birthday!!~

small one,

ThE BegiNNinG Of LauRaMiKi...

Officially today I, or should I say we, started our blog! A big round of applause to us..haha..Speaking for myself; I am not an avid fan of sharing my thoughts even to a diary, let alone an online blog..However i think i have decided to change a little and give out my views on selected issues..I am the Ki in LauRaMiKi..

Our blog will contain our own experiences as well as our very own ideas and thoughts on things that happen around us everyday..We hope everyone enjoys reading our blog..Watch out for us..Hmm, good luck to us!